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At the initiative of Lára Margrét Ragnarsdóttir, former member of the parliament of Iceland, and the Chairman of the Health Committee of the Council of Europe, a proposal was submitted to the Council in 2002 on measures for spinal cord injury treatment. The European Council approved the proposal, but the Council’s Committee of Ministers did not. Read: Recommendation 1560 (2002)
Recommendation 1560 (2002)
Towards concerted efforts for treating and curing spinal cord injury
Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly
Origin - Assembly debate on 26 April 2002 (16th Sitting) (see Doc. 9401Doc. 9401, report of the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee, rapporteur: Mr Ouzký). Text adopted by the Assembly on 26 April 2002 (16th Sitting).
a. to step up funding, at national level, for research into treating and finding a cure for spinal cord injury-induced paralysis, and explore the possibility of raising additional funding from road traffic violation fines, revenue on alcoholic beverages and taxes on health insurance premiums;
b. to join together in promoting the establishment of a World Health Organisation (WHO) collaboration centre for the co-ordination of research and development concerning spinal cord injuries, financed with all available resources, both public and private, with a view to making cost savings through joint efforts;
c. to promote, with the WHO, and in a concerted manner, the setting up of a research database aimed at the treatment and cure of spinal cord injuries. This database would pool all existing and future medical and scientific material on spinal cord injuries, and ensure effective co-operation between doctors and researchers from all over the world with a view, among other things, to developing international spinal cord injury care models;
d. to promote, with the WHO, the systematic collection and comparison of statistics and the harmonisation of medical terminology relating to spinal cord injury;
e. to initiate or step up advertising campaigns designed to reduce road traffic accidents, falls, violence, and the consumption of drugs and alcohol, which are seasonally targeted, where appropriate, to coincide with periods of increased incidence of spinal cord injury, such as summer or winter holidays;
f. to establish specialist spinal cord injury departments where necessary within accident and emergency centres, with a view to making them more accessible to those in need of treatment or rehabilitation, even in low population density areas;
g. to expand co-operation between doctors and scientific researchers from developed and developing countries so that appropriate healthcare for all people with spinal injuries is available;
h. in this context, to observe the principles governing data protection and patients’ rights set out in the relevant Council of Europe instruments (the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data (ETS No. 108), and Committee of Ministers Recommendations Nos. R (86) 1, R (97) 5, R (97) 18 and R (2000) 5);
instruct the appropriate intergovernmental committees to develop measures and strategies to promote spinal cord injury research and prevention as a specific contribution to the European Year of Persons with Disabilities 2003.
9. Lastly, the Assembly requests that this recommendation be forwarded to the relevant authorities in every member state, and also to the World Health Organisation and the institutions of the European Union.
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