Mænuskaðastofnun Íslands
Nesbali 56, IS-170 Seltjarnarnes
Phone Number: 562 4925 / 897 4925
Thank you for your letter of 11 July 2001 regarding the International Conference on Human Spinal Cord Injury held in Reykjavik from 31 May to June 2001.
*********** Before answering your letter I requested Dr Derek Yach, Executive Director, Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health to meet with your Ambassador and Permanent Representative in Geneva, Mr Stefan Johannesson, in order to discuss possible future collaboration between WHO and Iceland. I am pleased to inform you that we are working with Mr Johannesson to establish a WHO Collaborating Centre on Human Spinal
Cord Injuries in Reykjavik.
The Letter:
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Mænuskaðastofnun Íslands
Nesbali 56, IS-170 Seltjarnarnes
Phone Number: 562 4925 / 897 4925
Reikn.: 0311-26-81030
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