Prof. Paolo Gargiulo studied at TU Wien and was awarded with his PhD in 2009. He developed at Landspitali (Iceland) a 3D-Printing service to support surgical planning with over 200 operations planned with a significant impact on the Icelandic health care system and he currently cooperates with institutions in Italy and UK to establish similar infrastructures. Paolo Gargiulo is the director of the Institute of Biomedical and Neural Engineering and medical technology center at the University Hospital Landspitali/ Reykjavik University.

He has published over 100 papers in peer reviewed international journals, several chapters in academic books and presented his works in many international conferences and workshops. Thanks to an EU grant entitled RESTORE received in 2019, Paolo Gargiulo’s team developed the 1stEuropean Database of patient-specific anatomical models for condyle lesions. In 2022, he received another EU grant with a project called SINPAIN aiming to Develop the Next- Generation Advanced Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis. In 2023, he received the award as best scientist of the year at Reykjavik University and the grant of excellence from RANNIS (145 ISK M) to study postural control response as signature of neurodegenerative conditions.