
November 4, 2011

Á Norðulandaráðsþingi sem haldið var í Kaupmannahöfn 31.október til 3.nóvember 2011 afhentu, í þinghúsi, Auður Guðjónsdóttir og  Siv Friðleifsdóttir, fyrrum alþingismaður og ráðherra og áhugamaður um norrænt samstarf, Bertil Haarder forseta Norðurlandaráðs bænaskrá frá 8.500 íslenskum konum.

Bænaskráin biðlar til Norðurlandaráðs að beita sér fyrir að lækning finnist við mænuskaða.

Siv Friðleifsdóttir, fyrrum ráðherra og þingmaður, ásamt Auði Guðjónsdóttur

Bertel Haarder, forseta Norðurlandaráðs, afhent bænaskjalið 


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October 29, 2024
Today, Auður Guðjónsdóttir addressed the Health Committee of the Nordic Council during this year’s Nordic Council Session , held in Iceland from October 28 to October 31 . As a dedicated advocate for spinal cord injury research and treatment, Auður emphasized the urgent need for increased collaboration and investment in finding a cure for paralysis. Her speech highlighted the critical role that the Nordic countries can play in advancing neurological research and improving the quality of life for those affected by spinal cord injuries. The Nordic Council’s commitment to health and innovation presents a unique opportunity to push for stronger initiatives, research funding, and policy changes that could accelerate breakthroughs in spinal cord injury treatment.  By addressing the Health Committee , Auður continues to champion the cause, ensuring that spinal cord injuries remain a priority issue on the Nordic agenda .
August 6, 2024
Recently, the new advertisement from the Icelandic Spinal Cord Injury Institute, “A Call to the World to Cure Paralysis,” has been aired on RÚV and across social media. In Iceland alone, it has been viewed over a million times on social media platforms.
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